Past Life Regression (PLR) FAQs
Yes indeed. Spirit, Higher-Self, Source, and the spiritual realm is not limited to local time or geographical location and can be assessed equally whether the session is done in person or online.
No. We will only work with adults 18 years of age and older.
We recommend starting with one session to address your most pressing question(s), under the category that best serves them, i.e. past life regression, or life between lives.
You may then find that you have received the solutions or insights needed or you may want to come back to explore further some of the information received or even ask for a session to address a different question or area of your life.
All in all, start with one session and you will then know whether additional sessions are needed.
It varies based on the service selected. Please look under the services tab for detailed information regarding each session and the length of time.
Interestingly, hypnosis which is the technique used in past life regression journey
is like a guided daydream experience. It is common for people, even those who
have had prior sessions and are not new to this experience to doubt what they
are being shown or are experiencing and think that they are just being highly imaginative.
Therefore, know that the intention that brought you to the session in the first place gives your Higher Self permission to guide you to what you need to see, know, feel, or hear with the goal of answering your questions. It is not imagination neither are you making it up, otherwise you would have already imagined these solutions long before you got here.
Let go of doubt and trust that what is revealed is exactly what you need.
Yes. Past Life Regression is safe.
You remain fully aware, and you are not asleep or unconscious during your regression session. Therefore, you are always in full control.
The session allows you to access your inner awareness that is difficult to access in the process of day-to-day activities and distractions.
The information you receive belongs to you, is part of your lived experiences and the reason that you have sought the session is because your Higher Self or Soul wants you to see it, know it and hear it for the healing and resolution of what is affecting your current life. The end result is deeper understanding and freedom in your current life. Your Soul will not cause you harm.
Yes. In fact, all sessions are currently being done online only
There are certainly people who have a difficult time getting relaxed and in a meditative kind of state which is helpful for these journeys.
There is usually a reason for the resistance to relaxation, be it fear of the unknown given that this is a new experience or anxiety or at times just poor preparation for the session.
We address this concern in 2 ways:
(i) Once you have scheduled your session you will receive an audio recording of a guided meditation to help you ‘practice’ or get acquainted with falling into a relaxed state. The recommendation is for you to do this sessions at least 2- 3 times prior to your scheduled appointment day.
(ii) Prior to your appointment session a 20 -minute consultation will be scheduled to prepare you for your appointment. During this session we will discuss any anxieties, fears or blocks you may have regarding getting to a relaxed hypnotic state.
Past life regression therapy can provide you with a positive transformation in your current life with more clarity about your purpose, guidance on how to proceed in areas of concern to you, even possible healing of situations and conditions that have a root in your previous lives.
Trust what is revealed in your past life journey and know that it is given to you by your Soul or Higher Self with the purpose of bringing forth positive change in your present life.
Life Between Lives (LBL) FAQs
Yes. Most people have not undergone a past life regression session and are not sure what to expect. A prior experience of past life regression allows you the understanding and knowledge of what to expect in a hypnotic state. This allows you to be more prepared for the more involved experience of a Life Between Lives Session.
A Past Life Regression session is a divine journey into one of your past lifetimes chosen for your session by your own Soul/Higher Self.
In this session you will obtain a deeper understanding of your current life situations through the revelation of your past experiences, lessons, roles and interactions or relationships. This session can provide profound clarity to challenges in your present life and healing of phobias and anxieties as their root cause is revealed. There is an opportunity to heal Karmic related events and experiences affecting your present life.
During a Life Between Lives session, you first go into a recent past life chosen by your Soul, usually the one immediately before your current life. From that life that has been chosen for you, you will be then guided in ascension into a spiritual dimension where you will experience your life in between lives, meaning what is present after you have completed the prior life.
It is typical at this point to be met by your soul group then the council of Elders who are high level Spiritual beings that guided you when you were given your assignment, purpose, and mission for your current life. Life Between Lives is helpful for you if you want to remember your current life’s assignment, mission, and purpose.
Use the above descriptions and answers given for past life regression and life between lives to understand the main purpose of each, then choose the one that fits your questions or needs for a regression session.
Who may meet you will depend on what is chosen by your Soul to provide the most benefit for your needs and questions.
We do work with your spiritual guide during all sessions and have a dedicated part of the journey(s) where they are invited to meet you and give you direct guidance.